Something for the BDO board to ponder

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Justin Credible
Posts: 141102
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Location: Peoples Republic of Cork

Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:01 pm

Seems spineless has intentions of being part of a takeover bid of the BDO.

Subject: Board of Directors

Dear County Official

For some time now the Board of the BDO have in our opinion failed in many areas. It is our belief that significant change is needed to the direction of the BDO; subsequently we have offered our nominations to be elected as board members at the forthcoming BDO AGM.

We have structured a proposed document which outlines our belief in how the organisation should proceed in the future, a copy of which I have attached.

If anyone has any questions which they wish to ask any prospective member then please feel free to contact us.

Yours in the Sport of Darts

Martin Adams Chairman IDPA – World Professional Champion
Sue Getty BICC Premier Division Director – Wales Youth Officer
Barry Gilbey Chairman Essex CDO – International Darts Referee
Derek Weston Chairman Scottish Youth Darts – Chairman Granite City School of Darts
Wayne Williams Secretary Welsh Darts Organisation – Chairman Glamorgan CDO


Martin Adams Telephone:

Sue Getty Telephone:

Barry Gilbey Telephone:

Derek Weston Telephone:

Wayne Williams Telephone:



This document will provide the basis for the direction of the British
Darts Organisation (BDO) for the foreseeable future. The outline will
be categorised and in some part detailed, however this is only intended
as a framework and as such not a definitive document.

The categories listed below are in no particular order, nor does its
listing provide a specific prioritisation. Similarly until all funds
are made apparent the speed in which this framework could be
implemented is under question.

The categories under review are not limited to those below however we
believe these categories will provide the main structure for any
evolvement within the organisation.

British Counties and Countries
World Rankings
Professional Players


There has to be a closer bond between the Counties, Countries and the
Board of the BDO. The counties we believe need to feel that the Board
of Directors are working for them, that the system works for them and
that they are an integral part of the system. To that end there is a
need for the system to be looked at and improved. Whether it be the way
paperwork is distributed and handled, to the way meetings are conducted
a complete inspection of the system is needed.
Furthermore the way in which the BDO deal with the Countries is another
aspect which also requires looking at. The communication between the
BDO, England, Scotland and Wales is something which needs urgently
looking at. Each Country has its own agenda and pace which at times
neither fits neatly into the BDO nor the way it works. To this end the
BDO needs to understand each countries requirements and with that will
come a united approach. To that extent the Board needs to sit down with
the various Countries and include them in the framework for the future.


This is an area which has been long in need of a defined structure. The
current regime has continually neglected this area, throwing together a
few competitions and claiming it is looking after the future of

The system in place at the moment is fundamentally driven by individual
counties under the auspice of the Northern and Southern Inter County
Youth Leagues. Few individual counties have specific structures, such
as a Youth Superleague or an Academy.

Where academies have been set up by individuals, or groups of
individuals, rather than as a County system, they have in the main been
either sponsored or part sponsored by Unicorn the main board
manufacturer of the PDC. Subsequently the PDC have now claimed these
Academies are their own.

The introduction of the PDC World Youth Championship in 2010 was quite
rightly hailed as a success. Following this tournament the PDC has now
introduced a Youth Circuit which is going to produce a new breed of
young player no longer in need of the BDO system.

Therefore it is essential a structure is placed into the BDO system for
the youth. The structure must be inclusive of all, and not as is
currently within the PDC focused on the elite players. However the
elite youth players must be recognised and nurtured ensuring they have
both short and long term goals which should help them stay within the
BDO system.

To provide this system the BDO must have a Director who is both
experienced within the setting up of youth systems (Academies), and has
the drive and passion to develop not only a system, but also a network
of regional and area centres and representatives which will develop the
player, referee and official of tomorrow.

It will be down to this Director to initially establish a system and
framework which will benefit the BDO and the youth. This framework must
include development of the current Child Protection System which at the
moment has little leadership nor direction. It is also essential that
individual counties take a greater responsibility for their Youth
system. Currently there are several counties who have youth teams but
do not interact with either their youth committee or indeed the players
who represent their county.

Ultimately the new system will incorporate the huge potential darts can
play within the education process, a source currently untapped within
the BDO system. In conjunction with this the top players within the BDO
system should be encouraged to attend and heighten their profiles
within these academies.


The Ladies game has been the most disappointing aspect within the
system. To restore the game to where it was five years ago in the terms
of Ladies participating at tournaments will take several years. The
number of Ladies participating within the BICC does not appear to have
diminished, so the answer must lay elsewhere.

The general standard of the game appears, with the exception of the top
five or six Ladies, to have slipped. The averages within the BICC five
years ago would have seen most teams in the top division averaging over
20, now however the norm is around 19. Whilst this only equates to
around a point per match it is normally being held up by individual
players having 23+ averages, thus the general standard of play within
the team has diminished.

I believe that in the long term the youth project will restore the
numbers back into the sport; however this is obviously not a short term
and maybe not even a mid term fix. I believe to find the solution will
take several influential figures within the sport to debate within the
system as to the reasons why numbers have reduced.

If you ask the top players you will not find the answer because they
still attend tournaments all over Europe on a weekly basis. It is the
average Lady playing within the BICC where the questions must be asked.
To do this a set of questions need to be set down whereby at the end of
the assessment there is not only a general idea of why the numbers have
diminished, but also some thoughts and ideas as to how the Ladies game
can be resurrected.


We believe this subject needs to be split up into several mini headings
although some topics will overlap from one heading to another. The
headings being, Opens, Members Only, Television Events, Tournament
Structure and Prize Money.


BDO organised Open events tend to be well supported; although the
argument would be; do the events support the need of the member? At
present there are just three open tournaments catered for in this
country, together with the Torremolinos Open in Spain.

The three events in this Country are the British Open, International
Open and British Classic. I have not included the Camber Sands Festival
as this is at present both an unknown quantity and also must have a
doubt as to whether it will in fact get off the ground in 2012.

The British Open five years ago was a flourishing competition. The
introduction of Setanta Sports to televise the latter stages had
several effects. The first was that the singles event was moved from
the Sunday to the Saturday; this ensured higher viewing figures for the
TV and also, because of the TV coverage, raised the numbers entering
the singles. However it lowered the numbers entering the Pairs, as many
players took the opportunity to make their return journey during the
day on the Sunday. Since Setanta folded the decision was taken to leave
the Singles on the Saturday. Over the past couple of years numbers have
dwindled in both the Mens and the Ladies. We believe this is partly
because the event is on the Saturday; Bridlington the venue for the
Open, being on the North East Coastline makes it difficult to get to
and from. Therefore some people do not want to travel in the rush hour
on a Friday evening and feel that just to enter the singles is a waste
of their time and money.

If the pairs was reintroduced to the Saturday and the singles Sunday
this we believe would have an immediate uplift in numbers. A further
reason why the numbers have dropped in the pairs is that the monies are
not taken until the Sunday morning, thus no pre entries. This has the
effect that if a player cant be bothered on a Sunday morning then they
just won’t enter and it hasn’t cost them anything. Furthermore the
Friday money in money out competition, if it is to be continued, has to
reorganise itself so that it costs less to enter the building that
enter the competition.

The International Open is the type of event which typifies the BDO and
its ability to cater for all standards of player, both on the playing
front, and also on the atmosphere and friendly environment front which
is created during this weekend. The weekend gives an opportunity for
the local pub player and his family to have a weekend of darts whilst
at the same time as mixing with the stars. Given the current
uncertainty with Pontins and the direction its buyers are going, if the
facility at Brean Sands was to disappear then we believe it is
essential that a similar facility be found to cater for this weekend.

The British Classic has for many years failed to find an identity
within the calendar. Its placement within the calendar together with
the fact it only has a singles competition makes it difficult to gather
the amount of playing competitors usually associated with BDO
competitions. The change in venue from Kettering to Braintree had two
effects. The first was it was noticeable in that the entries declined.
This would mainly be due to two things, one a move away from the centre
of the country, the second was that it was a new venue and this always
has an effect. If you throw in the fact it was and still remains on a
Saturday the entry numbers will deteriorate as individuals will not
take the day off work just for one day of darts. The return to
Kettering is a massive backward step in regard of the venue. The venue
at Braintree had the ability to cope with any size of tournament, from
the 300-400 players through to over a 1000 players with a stage and
venue which had the ability to cater for an audience and unlimited TV
Kettering in the meantime has proven to be unsatisfactory for both
large numbers of competitors and also TV. This tournament has to be
looked at with regards to its identity and viability on the current
calendar date.

The Torremolinos Open has been on a fast track decline for the past
three or four years. This tournament had for many years, been an ideal
opportunity for darts in the Sun as the BDO advertised it. During the
80’s, 90’s and the early part of the 21st Century this tournament was
unique in that the family could go on holiday to Southern Spain and
incorporate a week of darts. Several issues have materialised over the
past decade, none of which have been addressed by the current
administration. The issues which include the change in climate, the
introduction of the Euro as the local currency, together with the poor
playing venue, an increase in the cost of the holiday and the fact the
same prize money is on offer now as was on offer 20 years ago. With all
of these factors coming into account, this is a tournament which needs
serious consideration on either its viability or structure.


Currently there are definitively just two member’s only competitions
the Gold Cup and the British Masters. The Gold Cup as with the British
Masters provides a small window of opportunity for the local
Superleague player to fast track themselves into the spotlight.

Both competitions, especially the British Masters require a rethink
into how they are organised both initially and at the finals stage.


Currently just two events are televised, the Winmau World Masters and
the Lakeside World Professional Championship. Prior to that Setanta
Sports had televised four other events, however this only lasted one
year. Previously there had been no British televised events, outside of
the two majors, for several years. With the advent of many sports
channels, together with the likes of ITV4 showing major sporting events
it is an area which has significant potential. The introduction of ESPN
into the game of darts and specifically the BDO can only be a major
positive injection; however their introduction comes at a cost which is
the loss of the BBC to the World Masters. The overall cost will only be
identified in real terms once the event has taken place. However the
fact that the event is televised at all gives the BDO hope for the
future. The World Masters however is another competition which is in
danger of losing its identity, over the past 12 months a new points
table was introduced so it was easier for all to track the World
Masters rankings, with a now regular switch from the latter end of the
year to September and back again means the competition has once again
thrown up players being able to get two sets of points for one
tournament or none at all depending on the date. It is essential the
competition finds a stable date in the calendar.

The World Professional Championships is a week long event in which the
BBC has several programmes and several hours which are needed to be
filled. If this is continued with its afternoon programme then the BDO
must take the opportunity to establish a five minute spot each day to
promote the Organisation and its benefits.


The words structure and tournament have not been put together before
within BDO tournaments. The attitude previously has been to put a
tournament together and then decide what the format is going to be.
Several issues need to be determined before any formal planning on this
subject can be implemented; however a simple proforma would be to
increase the length of matches at certain points within tournaments.
The higher the category of the tournament the longer the latter stages
should be. As such it might be that the final of a category ‘A’
tournament would be a minimum of the best of five sets five legs to a
set, however a category ‘C’ tournament might just be the minimum of the
best of nine legs. Furthermore the categorisation in respect of the
numbers entering a competition should be based on the previous year’s
numbers not the current years.


Several years ago it was introduced that the category of a tournament
had to have a minimum first prize. This was supported by the number of
entries into that competition. The current categorisation is dependant
on the prize fund rather than the first prize; however there is no
determination as to how the prize fund is distributed. We believe that
each category should be dependant on both the first prize and also how
the fund is distributed.


The BICC has since its inception been the flagship of the BDO. The
function that on any one weekend in the region of 2300 dart players can
represent their County and travel all over England, Scotland and Wales
gives this competition huge potential for sponsorship and support.
However the lack of any innovative ideas from the current board
together with a consistent lack of sponsorship has degraded this
competition enormously. The ability for counties to continue to produce
teams and sufficient finance for those teams to continue within the
BICC is rapidly diminishing. The current climate means that sponsors
are no longer willing to part with their money as readily as in
previous years. Therefore it is the onus of the board of the BDO to
provide as much assistance as possible. In 2008 it was agreed to
increase the money which counties put into the BICC in order to fund
the points for the ‘B’ teams. Whilst we believe that the current
funding going into the BICC from the Counties is sufficient, the amount
returned to the counties in the way of prize money is not. The BDO has
cut its costs for the BICC year on year because of the introduction and
implementation of the email system and then with the utilisation of
DFW. However none of these savings have been passed onto the Counties.

The current income for the BICC from counties is approximately £41,000
and if the Superleague levy is included this takes it well over
£50,000. With the outgoings in prize monies approximately £35,000 this
leaves a minimum of a £15,000 shortfall. Whilst it is acknowledged that
there is a significant amount of time and work put into the BICC we
find it somewhat difficult to believe the cost of running the BICC
comes close to £15,000.
Therefore we believe two things can happen almost immediately, the
first is to reassess the financial structure of the BICC and the second
is to restructure the prize monies given to the counties. Furthermore
there has been a long overdue need for the BICC to be given a facelift.
Many competitions, outside of darts, over the past two decades have
been revamped in order to provide long term sustainability. In order
for the BICC to move forward a major review on the competition is
essential. A working party made up of the current BICC Directors
together with nominated representatives from each division, including
Scotland will be given the opportunity to sit down and recommend a
pathway forward for the BICC.

For several years now, sponsorship for the BDO has been limited to just
a few companies. With Lakeside and Winmau the two main sponsors a few
other companies such as East Yorkshire Events, John Smiths, Jackpot Joy
and Pontins have made up the remaining sponsors. The recent
introduction of Rileys was according to the board going to bring
significant new income to the counties. Unfortunately this has not been
forthcoming, and where Counties have received income it is not a
sustainable long term answer. Therefore it is essential that the BDO in
its movement forward identifies new areas for sponsorship as well as
enhancing relationships with the current loyal group. It will be the
responsibility of one individual to undertake the role of maintaining
the current relationships and also developing new clients. The current
board have also failed in any bid they may have undertaken to identify
minor sponsors. These are the type of companies such as water
manufacturers to sponsor the water placed on the stage. Another area
maybe to sponsor individual boards at tournaments, if 32 boards were
sponsored at £100 per board this money for instance would go a long way
to paying for the accommodation for officials. The person who
undertakes the role of obtaining sponsorship will be given the
opportunity to develop a new strategy in obtaining and maintaining

The current systems in use for the World Rankings are at best
complicated and at worst unmanageable. The timings of competitions
together with the many other criteria set down means that it is almost
impossible to maintain accurate and current tables. Later in this
document it will be outlined how to identify individual players, which
currently seems to be an almost impossible task. This current year I am
aware of at least four occasions where players have had their name
either put in twice or put against the wrong player. Therefore a
working party of new board members together with board members of the
WDF will sit down and discuss a new pathway forward. Furthermore as
outlined in the prize money section of open tournaments a review of how
tournaments are graded will also be a part of any discussion
This topic will be included in several other subject matters when
identifying new pathways. However it is obvious that on too many
occasions over the past few years many venues currently in use are
either too small or not suitable for purpose. With the introduction of
technology certain criteria must be laid down prior to the approval of
any venue. An example would be the televising of the British Classic by
Setanta Sports. The venue used for the stage finals was woefully
inadequate. It discouraged the audience and the TV commentators could
be heard from the stage.

Currently the BDO is in a mixed position and lacking direction when it
comes to the media. Robert Holmes who is employed by the BDO as a PR
consultant also has the responsibility of media relations. The main
areas of the media are Television, Radio and the written press. With
regards to Television I believe the board have either failed to use
Robert, or he has failed to gain the BDO suitable air time at the two
major championships hosted by the BDO. Either way the BDO have failed
to gain airtime to publicise the company, its assets and strategies.
Radio and in particular local radio can be a useful tool in the
promotion of individual counties, however it appears few counties
utilise this tool. The written media are all too often falling on one
side of the divide or the other; however the BDO cannot expect to gain
vast coverage in the national press because of the current lack of
major tournaments. It was muted in many circles that following the take
over of Darts World the BDO would lose its main source of media.
However at the moment the coverage attained within the magazine is fair
and proper, that being said unless there is a direction and strategy
with regards to media coverage this may change.


This is another area which has been totally neglected by the current
board of directors. Much of the equipment utilised by the company is
both outdated and not fit for purpose. The stands and cubicles utilised
where the multi-board system is used are a disgrace. They look tired
and worn and are extremely difficult and time consuming to assemble.
Much of the electronic equipment used to update the scores once matches
reach the stage has also seen better days and is also outdated.
Subsequently this is another area where a strategy urgently needs to be
put into place to upgrade and where necessary replace the equipment
currently being used.

The BDO during its inception had carte blanche of the darting world
when it came to marketing; however this is another area in which the
company has failed to move forward. The Open and Televised Events where
marketing is set up and run is usually profitable and a worthwhile
exercise, however as described in earlier sections these only amount to
six events covering some 25 days of the year.
The inability of the board to see the enormous potential in this field
has meant that many companies have emerged and in some cases their
business is so strong that they employ several members of staff. The
BDO has to form a strategy to find a place in this market and with that
creating sustainable income which at present is going untapped.


The current system of providing officials is unmanageable. Too often at
Open Events the control table is not only undermanned but also
frequented by the same officials. At the end of the tournament those
same officials have to perform duties on the stage, whether it is score
recording, refereeing, marshalling players or just general duties. When
it comes to the televised tournaments different officials then attend
thus at times providing a skill shortage. A system has got to be
introduced by where there are sufficient officials at all events to
ensure that those present are not having to do either too many or
conflicting jobs. Furthermore the Televised Events are the showcase
events for the BDO. All those officiating at these events should have
not only attended some or all of the Opens but excelled in their
position. Therefore a strategy needs to be implemented by where County
Officials are both encouraged and given the opportunity to find their
niche at Open Tournaments. Having identified those people excelling in
key areas, they should be the ones given the opportunity to replicate
this at the Televised Events.


This is another area whereby the current Board of Directors has failed
its members. The members gave the board a mandate to bring in a
professional company to build and maintain its website. The company,
namely Net Sports, by its own admission were naïve in the sport of
darts; however they had run many other sites and were looking to test
the types of systems which were successful in those other sports. The
current Board of Directors however have failed in several areas. Whilst
Net Sports built the website it has failed to provide several areas
which are either desirable or essential to the sport of darts. Areas
such as the previous history which was on the old website, links to
other organisations, or an archive area are both examples of this. The
front page is disjointed, has a poor impact and gives little reason for
any new user to stay. Couple this with the poor speed of updates to
major competitions the new site has not been managed by those
responsible. Therefore it is essential for the BDO to utilise the
skills of a member in conjunction with the Board and Net Sports to move
the website in a positive forward direction.


The BDO have several areas within which both the WDF (World Darts
Federation) and the EDC (European Darts Council) have responsibility
and also interests. Because of these parallel interests and the stature
of the BDO there are currently members of the BDO board sitting on both
the WDF and EDC boards. Previously it has been identified where working
with the WDF is an essential part of the progress required. There are
several other areas of interest where all parties could be working
together in a far more proactive manner to promote and improve the
sport as a whole.


If the BDO is to survive in its current format then the Professional,
or top end, of the sport must be approached in a far more professional
manner by the BDO. Ever since the inception of the PDC many players
have just utilised the BDO as a stepping stone before moving across the

This does not mean that millions of pounds need to be invested into the
top end of the sport; moreover a direction needs to be found whereby
players striving to get to the top of the game look towards the BDO as
their focus rather than the PDC. It does mean that more money is
required within tournaments it also means that players who go onto
reach the latter stages of major tournaments are felt to be wanted at
other events.


The IDPA has for many years claimed to be the player’s voice within the
BDO, despite there being a Players Director sitting on the Board. The
current Board of Directors have over several years consulted with the
IDPA when initiating new ideas, or when problems have arisen. The IDPA
have themselves either introduced or tried to introduce strategies,
initiatives or ventures into the system. Currently the IDPA appears to
have little impact on the sport. Their membership does not fully
represent the top end of the game, which is where they see their role
to exist. Subsequently it will be necessary to develop an association
with the IDPA which provides a basis and substance for both their
existence and their role within the sport.


Since its inception the PDC have set their own agenda, rules,
regulations and guidelines all of which have been either directed at
expanding their own side of the business or looking after their own
players. In the meantime the BDO have failed to identify where the PDC
sit within their system. The PDC has since its inception targeted the
top end, be it the player or official, within the sport of darts.
Several players have decided to play within the PDC system having
previously played within the BDO system. The PDC has as earlier stated,
provided their own rules, regulations and guidelines for these players.
In the meantime the BDO since the Tomlin Order has failed to provide
any adequate safeguarding for either its member counties or the playing
members within its own system. Therefore a structure by which everybody
has an identifiable position is essential. This might be on the one
extreme that any member of the PDC is not allowed entrance into a venue
controlled by the BDO, to any member of the PDC can play in every
single event controlled by the BDO. The PDC currently has just128
playing members, so to provide a defined structure within which those
members can or cannot participate within the BDO system is long


The Board of Directors of the BDO have appeared for several years to
rest on their laurels created from the darting hey day of the 1970’s
and 1980’s. They seemed to be in cruise control through the 1990’s and
then looked like they were taking their foot off the pedal at the turn
of the century. This has created a massive void whereby other
companies, organisations or associations have undertaken roles which
were previously exclusive to the BDO.
In order to re-establish the BDO as the controlling body of the game,
whereby everyone looks up to the organisation will take several years.
However a failure to act at this point in time will only act as putting
a further nail in the coffin of the BDO. The Board of Directors must
establish a working agenda and suitable timeline in which this work
will be established.
At present the BDO has just one man for one job, which is fine until
that one man is unable to do his job. When the job becomes vacant there
is nobody who is able to pass on sufficient information to allow the
work to be completed seamlessly. This has been highlighted by the
website, the rights and the ability to place items onto the site rest
with just one man. When he is unavailable the system does not work. The
BDO must start to restructure itself whereby several people have the
ability to continue the work of others. In the normal workplace where
somebody takes leave or is missing for other reasons the company, or a
significant portion of the company doesn’t just stop.
The Board of Directors must also implement several new strategies. The
structuring of a Youth system, the restructuring of the BICC and the
structuring of tournament play within the system must all be at the
forefront of the new plans.
The introduction of online registrations for tournaments, together with
dedicated membership numbers are other areas which need to be explored.
The current rules of darts need to be addressed with this being an
instance where a group of senior members on both the playing and
officiating front could work in unison.
In short following the AGM it is time for the board of the BDO to once
again start working for its members, come up with a plan of action,
inform its members of the plan and then implement the said plan.
This will almost certainly include some individuals who represent their
counties taking a greater responsibility, similarly it will mean more
individuals having to put their name to the plate and share the jobs
around. It is time for the system to start working together which if it
does will see significant rewards not only financial but also in just
gratification for everyone.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by M H » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:10 pm

Where did this originally come from Gaz?
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

Justin Credible
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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:17 pm

this is a document that was emailed to the County Secretary's for attention with the upcoming BDO AGM on the horizon.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by M H » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:19 pm

I knew there was something in the offing but didn't know the names behind it.
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:21 pm

No doubt olly is well aware of this and will obviously fight it.Some people are disappointed it is common knowledge as they stupidly believe exposure of this document will not help bring about change.

What everyone fails to realize is that Adams is as backwards and bitter as olly and with the likes of him in control the divide in darts would continue for another few decades.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by M H » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:27 pm

I found out something was going on last week and the bits of info I recieved I couldn't mention here.
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by hang the dj » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:28 pm

Very interesting read

It does that only the likes of Olly Croft & Robert holmes believe that everything is hunky-dory in the BDO as it is clear that the players, fans & county officials all realise that change is required

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by M H » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:29 pm

I'm trying to get a response from Olly, worth a go
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

Justin Credible
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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:31 pm

My belief is that by hiding and keeping things secretive adams and the others are as bad as olly in that they are showing underhanded ways.
For things to be done rightly and have things sorted all this should be done in public and in the open with no secret agenda's.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Dartfrog » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:31 pm

Get back on the phone scooping Mh.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:33 pm

hang the dj wrote:Very interesting read

It does that only the likes of Olly Croft & Robert holmes believe that everything is hunky-dory in the BDO as it is clear that the players, fans & county officials all realise that change is required

change was required decades ago....lets not forget the players were pissed of over 20 years ago...hence why the split happened and they learnt nothing since and have done nothing since either.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by M H » Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:35 pm

Have mailed Frog, will see what comes back mate
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:27 pm

Justin Credible wrote: PDC

Since its inception the PDC have set their own agenda, rules,
regulations and guidelines all of which have been either directed at
expanding their own side of the business or looking after their own
players. In the meantime the BDO have failed to identify where the PDC
sit within their system. The PDC has since its inception targeted the
top end, be it the player or official, within the sport of darts.
Several players have decided to play within the PDC system having
previously played within the BDO system. The PDC has as earlier stated,
provided their own rules, regulations and guidelines for these players.
In the meantime the BDO since the Tomlin Order has failed to provide
any adequate safeguarding for either its member counties or the playing
members within its own system. Therefore a structure by which everybody
has an identifiable position is essential. This might be on the one
extreme that any member of the PDC is not allowed entrance into a venue
controlled by the BDO, to any member of the PDC can play in every
single event controlled by the BDO. The PDC currently has just128
playing members, so to provide a defined structure within which those
members can or cannot participate within the BDO system is long
Maybe its just me, but if Adams and his lot suceeded I fear option 1 (not allowing pdc players near the venue) is the far more likely outcome.
Spineless's anti pdc stance is well documented.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Grazer » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:01 pm

Justin Credible wrote:
Justin Credible wrote: PDC

Since its inception the PDC have set their own agenda, rules,
regulations and guidelines all of which have been either directed at
expanding their own side of the business or looking after their own
players. In the meantime the BDO have failed to identify where the PDC
sit within their system. The PDC has since its inception targeted the
top end, be it the player or official, within the sport of darts.
Several players have decided to play within the PDC system having
previously played within the BDO system. The PDC has as earlier stated,
provided their own rules, regulations and guidelines for these players.
In the meantime the BDO since the Tomlin Order has failed to provide
any adequate safeguarding for either its member counties or the playing
members within its own system. Therefore a structure by which everybody
has an identifiable position is essential. This might be on the one
extreme that any member of the PDC is not allowed entrance into a venue
controlled by the BDO, to any member of the PDC can play in every
single event controlled by the BDO. The PDC currently has just128
playing members, so to provide a defined structure within which those
members can or cannot participate within the BDO system is long
Maybe its just me, but if Adams and his lot suceeded I fear option 1 (not allowing pdc players near the venue) is the far more likely outcome.
Spineless's anti pdc stance is well documented.
Adams would love nothing more than to see the split be in place indefinitely.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by M H » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:06 pm

I'm surprised that Adams has actually put his name to this but there could well be another split in the offing
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:12 pm

I am all for revolution within the BDO and anything that can get rid of Olly and the useless cunts in power.

Sadly however Adams and Co are as bad as olly so in essence the division it would cause would make things worse.At least olly has not long left, adams would only continue his anti pdc vendetta for another 2 decades.

The document itself has been described as nothing short of a rant and moan.It offers nothing in the way of detailed explanations.
It appears to have been written by someone who is lacking vision themselves...must be adams then.

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by M H » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:02 pm

All the document lacks is a business plan, and who's gonna give that away at an early stage? BH didn't when he bid for the BDO.
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

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Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:36 pm

Then there is the whole issue of the financial its privvy only to certain people.

It appears some conty players believe has this document not been made public the county secetaries who recieved it would or may not have passed this on to their members.
This is what exactly is wrong with the BDO, all too often players are left in the dark.

The only good thing to come out of this so far is that at least there is admission the bdo is a shambles.

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Re: Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Sheep Shagger » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:45 pm

M H wrote:Where did this originally come from Gaz?
Copied and pasted from Tsod without a link, tut tut

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Re: Re: Something for the BDO board to ponder

Post by Justin Credible » Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:47 pm

nikkiboy wrote:
M H wrote:Where did this originally come from Gaz?
Copied and pasted from Tsod without a link, tut tut
Nah...I did what mod500 did and found it on youtube.

For the record I did not get it on TSoD.

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