DartsForum declares war on France

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Justin Credible
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DartsForum declares war on France

Post by Justin Credible » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:19 pm

The French President, is sitting in his office when his telephone rings.

"Hello, Mr. Sarkozy!" A slightly drunken voice said. "This is MH here at DartsForum. I am ringing to inform you that I have decided to officially declare war on you!,"

"Well, MH," Sarkozy replied, "This is indeed important news! How big is your army?"

"Right now," says MH, after a moment's calculation, "there is myself, and the mods, 2 mad scot cunts, gazman, sat wolfie and an alcoholic prick snake.That makes seven of us!"

Sarkozy paused. "I must tell you, MH, that I have 100,000 men in my army waiting to move on my command."

"Bugger!" says MH. "I'll have to ring you back."

Sure enough, the next day,MH calls again. "Mr. Sarkozy, the war is still on. We have managed to get us some infantry equipment!"

"And what equipment would that be MH?" Sarkozy asks.

"Well, we have two ride lawn mowers kitted out with catapults and a couple of bulldozers courtesy of Micko, and Justin got us a tractor from the farm next door."

Sarkozy sighs amused. "I must tell you, MH, that I have 6,000 tanks and 5,000 armored personnel carriers. Also, I have increased my army to 150,000 since we last spoke."

"Oh.... right.....!" says MH. "I'll have to get back to you."

Sure enough, MH rings again the next day. "Mr. Sarkozy, the war is still on! We have managed to get ourselves airborne! We have modified Skweezits micro-light with a couple of shotguns in the cockpit, and 2 lads from TSoD who joined the forum are members of a Ballooning club.

Sarkozy was silent for a minute and then cleared his throat. "I must tell you, MH, that I have 100 bombers and 200 fighter planes. My military bases are surrounded by laser-guided, surface-to-air missile sites. And since we last spoke, I have increased my army to 200,000!"

"Hmmmmm....... ?" says MH, "I will have to ring you back."

Sure enough, MH calls again the next day. "Bonjour Mr President, I am sorry to inform you that we have had to call off the war."

"Really? I am sorry to hear that," says Sarkozy. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Well," says MH, "we had a long chat over a few pints of cider and rum, and we decided there is no feckin' way we can feed 200,000 prisoners.

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Re: DartsForum declares war on France

Post by M H » Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:01 am

Very good Gaz
When you actually feel anger over a place like this it's time to get a life

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