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Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:58 pm
by Rout
Justin Credible wrote:
Rout wrote:
Justin Credible wrote:great quote from darty :

the last person who asked to be banned was Gaz, whatever happened to him?

funny how rout wont let me back ..after all I asked to be banned and now i changed my mind and ye wont let me back

does that remind you of anything Nikki???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Unlike Nikki I have been able to tell you what rules you have broken. And you werent banned because you asked to be. And each time you ask, I wont pretend the reason you are banned is because you asked to be.

So no, not like that at all.
thats not what your mod darty says on which one of ye is a liar ?
Couldnt care less, you are banned because you have repeatedly broken the rules and from what I can tell, theres been more positive reactions than bad, with many agreeing it came too late.

The voices of the masses come before the voices of the few.

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:58 pm
by Frankie
Justin Credible wrote:frankie is a almighty dull cunt,,,my money is on the teaboy
hi gaz,do you still hate most of the people on here ?

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:00 am
by Justin Credible
why are you still here rout ?

should you not be elsewhere like picking your brother up from the pool of piss he is lying in, listening to his rants and stopping him from doing the world a favour and committing suicide.

Tis a nice night for it

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:00 am
by Sheep Shagger
Rout wrote:
Justin Credible wrote:great quote from darty :

the last person who asked to be banned was Gaz, whatever happened to him?

funny how rout wont let me back ..after all I asked to be banned and now i changed my mind and ye wont let me back

does that remind you of anything Nikki???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Unlike Nikki I have been able to tell you what rules you have broken. And you werent banned because you asked to be. And each time you ask, I wont pretend the reason you are banned is because you asked to be.

So no, not like that at all.
Where did I say that? I told you a vote in the staffroom resulted in you not being let back, do you want me to publish the emails from you begging to come back? Whilst at the same time on df you were slagging the forum and mods off?

Seems what you say in private and public are two entirely different things rout, I think that's called two faced

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:01 am
by Rout
Justin Credible wrote:why are you still here rout ?
***Looks around***

You know, I am not sure

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:02 am
by Justin Credible
hence why rout has been called a 2 faced cunt on 3 seperate forums...with the word cunt obviously changed in the swear filter on TSoD....hahaha

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:03 am
by Justin Credible
Rout wrote:
Justin Credible wrote:why are you still here rout ?
***Looks around***

You know, I am not sure
how is your brother settling in with his ex's parents since getting out of the loony bin ?

All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:04 am
by Knots & crosses
Rout wrote:
Knots & crosses wrote:No parting shot. A statement of fact, my opinion has not wavered. Yours has.
Tell me where my opinion has wavered. Specifics.

I have said I didnt agree it was for the best Sharky coming back. I dont recall ever saying if its a choice between him coming back and the site coming to an end as we know it, i choose the latter.

Thats not a wavering opinion, thats compromising that you might not always get what you want and to think of others before yourself.
Then, as i previously stated, we differ on our outlook, as i feel you have done a u turn on things you have said to suit your own needs.

A fluctuating state of opinion. As opposed to my stable, unmoving one.

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:05 am
by Rout
nikkiboy wrote:
Rout wrote:
Justin Credible wrote:great quote from darty :

the last person who asked to be banned was Gaz, whatever happened to him?

funny how rout wont let me back ..after all I asked to be banned and now i changed my mind and ye wont let me back

does that remind you of anything Nikki???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Unlike Nikki I have been able to tell you what rules you have broken. And you werent banned because you asked to be. And each time you ask, I wont pretend the reason you are banned is because you asked to be.

So no, not like that at all.
Where did I say that? I told you a vote in the staffroom resulted in you not being let back, do you want me to publish the emails from you begging to come back? Whilst at the same time on df you were slagging the forum and mods off?

Seems what you say in private and public are two entirely different things rout, I think that's called two faced
Publishing private convos seems to be the norm for the folks on here, so go for it.

All I said, was that you cannot give me reasons why i am banned, other than you had a vote and it was a no. Its up to you, but its obviously cos you dont like me or my opinions (on darts remember, thats what i did on your forum - talk about darts - i didnt head straight for "discuss the site" and start shit stirring, unlike you), thats fine, but you cant admit that, then try and turn the tables on why you are banned from DF. Unreal really!

Personally I think its two faced to spend all your time on DF slagging off the mods, and the site, then when this happened you land yourself right in the middle of it and try and act as some sort of saviour or mediator!

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:09 am
by Justin Credible
would your time not be best spent on DF rout ya prick deleting the racism, homophobia and vile comments on those with downs autism etc.

Of course not.....having shit like that on your forum is something to be proud of.

Re: Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:09 am
by Sheep Shagger
Rout wrote:
nikkiboy wrote:
Rout wrote:
Justin Credible wrote:great quote from darty :

the last person who asked to be banned was Gaz, whatever happened to him?

funny how rout wont let me back ..after all I asked to be banned and now i changed my mind and ye wont let me back

does that remind you of anything Nikki???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Unlike Nikki I have been able to tell you what rules you have broken. And you werent banned because you asked to be. And each time you ask, I wont pretend the reason you are banned is because you asked to be.

So no, not like that at all.
Where did I say that? I told you a vote in the staffroom resulted in you not being let back, do you want me to publish the emails from you begging to come back? Whilst at the same time on df you were slagging the forum and mods off?

Seems what you say in private and public are two entirely different things rout, I think that's called two faced
Publishing private convos seems to be the norm for the folks on here, so go for it.

All I said, was that you cannot give me reasons why i am banned, other than you had a vote and it was a no. Its up to you, but its obviously cos you dont like me or my opinions (on darts remember, thats what i did on your forum - talk about darts - i didnt head straight for "discuss the site" and start shit stirring, unlike you), thats fine, but you cant admit that, then try and turn the tables on why you are banned from DF. Unreal really!

Personally I think its two faced to spend all your time on DF slagging off the mods, and the site, then when this happened you land yourself right in the middle of it and try and act as some sort of saviour or mediator!
I was actually being genuine offering mediation

If you bother to look you will see I only posted in reply to posts where Tsod or me were quoted or mentioned, along with showing that your claims of all your hits and visits were false and fabricated. The latter probably being the real reason for the ban

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:09 am
by Rout
Knots & crosses wrote:
Rout wrote:
Knots & crosses wrote:No parting shot. A statement of fact, my opinion has not wavered. Yours has.
Tell me where my opinion has wavered. Specifics.

I have said I didnt agree it was for the best Sharky coming back. I dont recall ever saying if its a choice between him coming back and the site coming to an end as we know it, i choose the latter.

Thats not a wavering opinion, thats compromising that you might not always get what you want and to think of others before yourself.
Then, as i previously stated, we differ on our outlook, as i feel you have done a u turn on things you have said to suit your own needs.

A fluctuating state of opinion. As opposed to my stable, unmoving one.

I havent done a U turn on my opinion. my opinion that Sharky made a mistake in resigning and wanting to come back is EXACTLY the same as it was.

Sometimes my bird asks me to go to places i might not want to go to, such as her familys party or something. I go, because its what people do in couples, its a comprimise. Whilst at the party, my opinion that i didnt want to go is probably still exactly the same. If I had not had gone, my bird would get mad, we would have an argument, which would be worse and it would damage our relationship a notch.

Thats the point. Just because I did not want something, i didnt spit my dummy out and ruin the bigger picture. I accepted the thing I did not want was less important than the bigger picture.

So imo, what you see as unwavering, I see as so stubborn its ruined a good thing through an unwillingness to comprimise. Thats all I am unhappy with all parties involved in this whole thing, Sharky included.

Re: Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:10 am
by Rout
[quote="nikkiboy"]Aye, shit stirring, we know. Yet you still wanted to be the saviour of DF. Unreal. THATS two faced.


Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:12 am
by Rout
Justin Credible wrote:would your time not be best spent on DF rout ya prick deleting the racism and vile comments.
The volume of these has dropped dramatically in recent times actually. Not sure why.

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:14 am
by Rout

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:14 am
by Justin Credible
Rout any chance we could have another of those famous "I am quitting " speeches you make every so often.
You know..the ones where you say you have enough and wait for people to say dont go,,,and then you turn up again

Re: Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:15 am
by Sheep Shagger
Rout wrote:Hey Nikki, check this out ... h-TSoD-day!
Well done, that's a massive achievement and your 25 live members should be proud

Re: Re: Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:16 am
by Sheep Shagger
nikkiboy wrote:
Rout wrote:Hey Nikki, check this out ... h-TSoD-day!
Well done, that's a massive achievement and your 25 live members should be proud
And at least 10 of them were on darts, congrats

Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:17 am
by Rout
Off now. Catch you later. Dont stay up too late x

Gaz Ill be thinking about you when im with the missus, you sexy beast. Nikki, ill be thinking about you when I am filling in my post count spreadsheet that MH left behind. Knots, ill be thinking about you when i remove this stupid man utd poster my bird has stuck on the wall celebrating the 19. Sat, ill be thinking about you when i film myself playing darts later. Snake, ill be thinking about you always x x

Much love x

Re: Re: All this talk of scabs and so on

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 12:18 am
by Justin Credible
nikkiboy wrote:
Rout wrote:Hey Nikki, check this out ... h-TSoD-day!
Well done, that's a massive achievement and your 25 live members should be proud

dont forget the 34 bots that are counted in the membership