My Darts Throw Help!

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My Darts Throw Help!

Post by Mal255 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:30 pm


I am 6 foot 4 and find my best accuracy is a kind of lobbed throw. I use 18g darts, which I know is really light. Because of my lobbed throw I have to stack upwards otherwise I risk a bounce out. I don’t throw the darts hard, if I do I spray them all over. I’m not a great player, I’ll usually get in and around the T20 with regular scores of 81s, 45s, 60s, 100s and the rare 140 and a few 180s when I get the odd golden 5 minute spell. I’ve only ever played at home, not for a team or in competitions but I’d like to.

Like many players, I worry about my release and note it seems my darts square up in the air quickly. I noticed most good players get the dart to fly through the air with the point above the flight before dipping into the treble just before impact. Is there a better way to achieve this? I think I roll the dart off my fingers rather than snap release, when I do that, again, I spray the darts all over the place with little to no control.

Would you all have any advice on the following:
  • Release
    Flight type
    Point length
I want to get better! Thanks everyone :pointing:


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The Thorn
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Re: My Darts Throw Help!

Post by The Thorn » Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:38 pm

Welcome to the forum.

It's hard to critique your throw without seeing it. One advice I can give you, do play in competitions, even if it's only a pub league. It can only improve your game and it's a great night out. From what you're writing, you are definitely good enough to play in a team or something.

And do prepare for the "fuck off" comments.

If you want to shine like the sun, first you have to burn like it

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