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Post by M H » Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:52 pm


This is a topic I think will be high in the headlines over the next couple of years and feel an adult debate regarding the positives and negatives doesn't have to be racist.

On one hand our infrastructure such as housing, schools, hospitals and transport are creaking and more people will bear additional pressure. There's also the financial implications as EU immigrants I believe (someone will correct me if I'm wrong) are entitled to child benefit on arrival. It's been widely documented that many from eastern Europe send this money home to their wives and kids as it's worth far more there in real terms than here.

The other hand is we have career dole scroungers who've hardly done a day's work in their lives costing us billions and making it necessary of employers to import people prepared to do the jobs they wont. Surely another problem that needs addressing as the health service for one couldn't operate without it's dirty jobs workers?

Most immigrants that I know from many countries and cultures work their bollocks off, pay taxes and contribute and integrate on a wider scale. Are decent people and possibly have more "British" spirit than the career scroungers I mentioned earlier. There are some that I would consider to be no more than scum but isn't that the same for all nations?

In my opinion the subject should be looked at by the powers that be as a whole, they could consider all the aspects and debate it fully. It's not that difficult to come up with a policy that not only works for both the people here now and the people looking to come here.

I accept this is a highly charged topic and people will have strong views but it's not racist at all to discuss immigration, it's how it's discussed.
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Re: Immigration!

Post by Justin Credible » Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:49 pm

Speaking as an Irishman where our immigration problem is even WORSE than the UK, the situation has been left go on too long.

Percentage wise in terms of immigrants to national percentage we are the worst in terms of we get too many.
As it is our health care is already is disarray from our own fat lazy obese idle cunts, who have brought a lot of illness upon themselves without adding all these people from abroad.
It dont matter if they are black , white, blue or whatever, they have no right to get for free what I myself cannot get. If I ,fighting to stop the freeloaders makes me a racist then so be it, because only idiots without any intelligence will bandy that word around when they have nothing else to counter with.

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Re: Immigration!

Post by M H » Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:54 pm

Even though I have family in Ireland I don't know what the situation about immigrants and entitlements is over there. I know the Irish benefit system's far more generous than ours but I also thought it was relative to the cost of living?

But surely though there are immigrants that add to the state rather than take away? I also don't know the Irish policy and criteria so am pretty ignorant as to affairs over there
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Re: Immigration!

Post by Justin Credible » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:06 pm

800 years we had english overloards coming here, BUT AT LEAST THEY WORKED OR EMPLOYED.

I have no problem with people willing to work, half our own population are lazy bastards and its crippling us looking after them without looking after these people from easten europe and every other shithole on the map.
These could be war criminals, rapists, or whatever, the vetting system is a joke, if they were a dog they would be in quarantine.
There are 2 groups

1. those from the poor EU states like poland who are ripping the state blind, jumping queues in hospitals, housing etc , that aint right.
It was so bad at one stage they had to make people sign every week as the previous way of signing once a month had the polish fly in, make a claim fuck off back to poland , fly over next month to sign and so on and the money going straight into a bank account.
The homeless people in ireland were always there but now they are mostly the eastern europeans and aggresive young cunts, and its ok for me as i can handle myself but what about the likes of my wife, my mum who have to put up with these cunts ?
They should be fucked out of the country.

Then you have the non EU, most of them lying bastards that would say anything to get in, and while i can understand why, it dont mean its right.
I have seen so many people from Africa claim to be from one country and pretending they are avoiding war when in fact they just use that as an excuse, we have no way of knowing what criminal history they have, they lack education and think this state will give it to them for free, along with housing etc, yet this country hardly gives it to its own people.

We should be looking after own first.

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Re: Immigration!

Post by micko » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:22 pm

The European borders were opened up to members in a freedom to work move not to placate scroungers from all over the EU. One of the main reasons the likes of Britain and Ireland are being flooded with Eastern Europeans was the deliberate targeting of these people by employers looking to try and pick up cheap labour to the detremint of the local popoulation.
Now withn the down turn in the economy a lot of these people now find themselves on the dole which is nearly as much as what they would get working back in their own countries.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against anyone trying to make a better life for themselves and their families no matter where they're from, but again, the borders were opened up so that people had a choice of where they wanted to work not scrounge from the social welfare system.
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Re: Immigration!

Post by M H » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:44 pm

I remember that business leaders implored the government here to bring more workers in as we were in boom time. The Irish economy then was called the "Tiger Economy" as I remember.

There still was the problem of the native scroungers which in my opinion caused the problem in the first place. Had they been prepared to work there wouldn't have been the need to import workers
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Re: Immigration!

Post by micko » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:06 pm

M H wrote:I remember that business leaders implored the government here to bring more workers in as we were in boom time. The Irish economy then was called the "Tiger Economy" as I remember.

There still was the problem of the native scroungers which in my opinion caused the problem in the first place. Had they been prepared to work there wouldn't have been the need to import workers
At one stage a certain company around here actually sent some senior personel over to Poland to recruit workers for their factory. For a few years no Irish lads were hired on.
This thing of the Eastern Europeans being better workers is a load of old bollox. Having worked with a lot of them I found them to be no better or worse than anyone else.
One year I got a bike for my birthday. So I went peddling off down the road and knocked an old lady down.
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Re: Immigration!

Post by M H » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:19 pm

This side of our small pond we've got a load that think manual work is beneath them Micko and created the problem with a succession of governments prepared to let them ponce off the dole.

I don't know if you have minimum wage leglislation but we have it here and that's what the Poles etc get doing manual labour here
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Re: Immigration!

Post by micko » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:45 pm

M H wrote:This side of our small pond we've got a load that think manual work is beneath them Micko and created the problem with a succession of governments prepared to let them ponce off the dole.

I don't know if you have minimum wage leglislation but we have it here and that's what the Poles etc get doing manual labour here
I know people around here who have never worked a day in their lives MH. I can't understand why there were no SW inspectors going around during the boom time questioning these people as to why they were not actively looking for employment.

A traveller woman that lives in the same town as me was seen picking uo €2000 in childrens and some sort of carers allowance in the local post office the other day. I know they have custody of her husbands 5 young brothers and sisters and also have 3 kids of their own, but €2000 on top of whatever they recieve in their weekly dole is a little much. The husband has never had a job and probably never will.
One year I got a bike for my birthday. So I went peddling off down the road and knocked an old lady down.
'Can't you ring your bell?' She said. 'I can ring my bell,' I said 'But I can't ride my bike'

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Re: Immigration!

Post by M H » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:54 pm

And while they can they will mate, it's simple.

The government here is persecuting those that want to work and the disabled and still allowing the spongers to get away with it.

My lad did voluntary work as part of the "Work Program" for three weeks recently, made to do it by the government. There was no hope of a job after as the job didn't exist and it got worse. Because he wasn't actively looking for work because he was on that program they stopped his benefit.
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Re: Immigration!

Post by Noisycrowds » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:25 am

people come here because our benefits system appeals to them

there should be lines drawn

1/ you cant come here if you cannot speak english , this surely has to be implemented now

2/ you cannot claim any benefits or national health benefits unless you have been working here paying tax for at least 5 years

3/ any criminal; records and you are not allowed in

4/ if you partake in criminal activity you are deported immeadiatley

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Randall » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:32 am

couldn't disagree with any of that noisy.

presumably if we get the referendum as discussed and vote no all this bollocks of us being the worlds meal ticket will stop.

read yesterday nearly all the foreign rioters of a couple of years back cannot be deported as it is against their human rights, fuck off.

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Justin Credible » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:49 am

its wrong that this pc bullshit where criminals have more rights than victims.

those rioters have proven they are not capable of adding to society in a productive way so fail a test, their application to join soiciety has failed so therefore their request terminated.
No doubt each of these victims will cost your state hundreds, possibly thousands per week, yet a hard working family man who has spent his life working and now finds himself on the dole and costs the state a fraction of that is made to feel like a fuckin leper, that is wrong on so many levels.

People will only take shit for so long, resentment itself , and the double standards itself will cause racism quicker than any ill breeding or lack of education,

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Noisycrowds » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:03 am

well said you guys , the way we are living at present is breeding racial hatred

i am hearing things from people i never thought possible

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Randall » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:06 am

as much as he was vilified, and his name is now virtually a taboo, enoch powell was spot on.

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Noisycrowds » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:11 am

he was darth

from what i can see we have several problems

1/ immigrants coming here for benefits

2/ immigrants coming here and not wanting to be part of our society

i get annoyed when they start building mosques etc with our government money , would we be able to go to there countries and get funding for a church

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Dicie » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:16 am

Noisycrowds wrote:people come here because our benefits system appeals to them

there should be lines drawn

1/ you cant come here if you cannot speak english , this surely has to be implemented now

2/ you cannot claim any benefits or national health benefits unless you have been working here paying tax for at least 5 years

3/ any criminal; records and you are not allowed in

4/ if you partake in criminal activity you are deported immeadiatley

Have to agree with Noisy on all of this.

Recently we advertised a few positions for security staff to work nights, nice handy number apart from the hours, minding a few disused buildings.

3 positions, 210 applications.

197 by foreign workers.

70 odd of which already were in full time employment elsewhere, a further 40 odd had part time employment elsewhere. .

13 applications from Irish lads.

It just highlights that irish lads think they can pick and choose where and when they work.

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Randall » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:17 am

closed a library round here and turned it into a multi faith drop in centre, only 1 faith doesn't seem to be included though :?

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Noisycrowds » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:23 am

197 foreign bloody workers ?? jesus

ridiculous no wonder the british public get fed up and demoralised

these immigrants are dragging down our countries and causing a huge stress on our enoconomy

time to shut the boarders now

and randall i find it hard to believe that muslims are racist to christians ?? can that really be true

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Re: Immigration!

Post by Dicie » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:26 am

Darth Randall wrote:closed a library round here and turned it into a multi faith drop in centre, only 1 faith doesn't seem to be included though :?

Getting to a stage now, where the no dogs or Irish signs are being painted over, and you will soon see, NO ENGLISH NEED APPLY

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